


Template Terbaru

Siapa Hebat Jawab Teka Teki Ini!

Puzzle 1:

What starts with E,ends with E and usually contains only one letter?

Puzzle 2:

Which of these is correct?

A:Six and six IS eleven.

B:Six and six ARE eleven.

Puzzle 3:

If yesterday was saturday tomorrow and tomorrow was Wednesday's yesterday,what day would it be today?

Puzzle 4:

If today is Friday,what is the day that follows the day that comes after the day that proceeds the day before yesterday?

Puzlle 5:

You are in the dark room with a candle,a wood stove and a gas lamp.You only have ONE match,which one do you light first?

Puzzle 6:

What's the different between here and there?

Puzzle 7:

Harry the happy hippo,happily hopped from the hippo hospital.How many H's are in this sentence?

Hah!!!Jawab jangan tak jawab!Berikan jawapan anda di comment!!!Nanti ana check kan.

8 Kesan Parut:

asyraf berkata...

puzzle 1: the letter E

puzzle 2: neither. six and six are twelve :p

puzzle 3: Sunday

puzzle 4: Saturday

puzzle 5: the match

puzzle 6: it is separated with 'and'

puzzle 7: one!! :p

btol ke tak?? huhu

KaYRaiL FaREasT berkata...

Tomey..hehehe...tq menjawab..

Anda betul 3 dari 7 soalan.
Puzzle 2,5 dan 7 betoi...hehe.. jawab2...

Markah: 3/7

KaYRaiL FaREasT berkata...

Tomey..hehehe...tq menjawab..

Anda betul 3 dari 7 soalan.
Puzzle 2,5 dan 7 betoi...hehe.. jawab2...

Markah: 3/7

nEeChAn berkata...

nak jawab no3,4 n 6:

3: Monday
4: wednesday
6: here without 't' and there with 't'

Tanpa Nama berkata...

puzzle 1: eye=i
puzzle 3: monday

KaYRaiL FaREasT berkata...

buat neechan...anda betul 2/3 ....
No.4 Salah...hehe..cube lg..

KaYRaiL FaREasT berkata...

untuk tanpa nama...u right for question number 3 only..number 1 wrong..try again later...

kingsix berkata...

no.1 : kucing
no.2 : dua2 pun salah
no.3 : isnin
no.4 : isnin
no.5 : kasi nyala itu mancis dulu
no.6 : huruf "T"
no.7 : 1